VITECO is an Italian SME located in Sicily. It is a provider of technologies for long-distance training and it is leader in e-learning sector, having its own e-learning platform and a solid expertise on open source platforms. Its core business is based on VET and development of web-based solutions for collaborative learning and educational content management with a special focus on the development of hard and soft skills in several fields.
IDEC is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of ICT solutions for both private and public sector. It co-operates with more than 800 institutes all through Europe and with about 300 experts on specific fields. IDEC has consulting experience in developing quality management systems in Greek training centres.
CENFORM is a Romanian NGO that promotes democratic principles and human rights, gender equality and social inclusion. Today, it has 19 members and 17 active volunteers. It has gained a professional experience in school education activities, support to children and vulnerable group, standing for equal rights, social inclusion and access to culture and school/ training activities.
LICEO MAJORANA is a high school based in Sicily. It has different didactic pathways, e.g. classical, scientific, humanistic, socio-economic and linguistic. The school is attended by about 1200 students from 14 to 19 years old and has a staff of about 130 teachers. Their needs are to spread various learning and teaching innovative techniques in order to better involve and encourage students in their studies.
NIKAIA SCHOOL is a Greek Experimental Gymnasium. It has 31 teachers and 279 students at the age of 13-15 years old. It has been situated in a two-storey building and has 12 classrooms, a computer lab equipped with modern equipment, computers, a physics-chemistry lab and a lending library. The school also participates in cultural activities and environmental programs.
CIUGUD SCHOOL is an educational unit in Alba County (RO). The school has pre-school, primary and secondary school formations with 215 students from different social backgrounds and 21 teachers. Ciugud benefits from various digital technology: interactive whiteboards, laptops for every student in the gymnasium cycle, intelligent lighting and air conditioning systems, the use of educational software, digital textbooks, as well as a virtual reality laboratory.