MYSS Project: Results of the 3rd pilot testing with students.


Throughout project duration, pilot testing activities are implemented as a form of external evaluation in order to get direct feedback from target groups (teachers and students) and improve project results according to their needs.

The third pilot testing phase was carried out with the participation of Greek, Italian and Romanian students from 21st of March to 10th April, 2022. The participants were asked to access the e-platform developed as part of the IO2, that aims to provide them with useful tools and improve the quality of distance learning, while also increasing their participation. The students were then asked to assess the platform via Google forms, which were distributed in their native languages. 109 responses were received in total (41 from Greece, 30 from Italy and 38 from Romania).

The participating students evaluated the MYSS platform based on their experience and how the tools and methodologies developed are meeting their needs. The overall learning experience was highly evaluated, while the responses indicated that their expectations had been mostly met. Some even believed that this method of distance learning was better than others that they had previously used during lockdown. They reported the most positive aspects of the platform to be the ease of use, the pace, the interface and the ability to work with their teachers in real time. Some aspects that require more finetuning seem to be the structure of the material and the mode of accessing the platform.

In regards to the learning material provided, what striked the students as most enjoyable were the presentations offered, the videos and the quizzes. Their communication with their teachers was smooth and satisfactory, while the tools, duration of the course, knowledge acquired and practical exercises were also rated positively in the most part.

Finally, when it came to rating the platform itself, the majority of students expressed that it was easy to use and well designed. Some suggestions for improvement that were brought forward via the survey were the need for easer access, bug fixes and some minor translation issues. Using this feedback, the development team will continue improving the final product in order to reach the highest possible quality.

Overall, the 3rd pilot testing of the MYSS project outputs was carried out successfully. The students seemed satisfied with the end result, and their feedback will be utilized in the attempt to create high quality deliverables to help accommodate distance learning for teachers and students alike.