During the project MYSS, three Multiplier Events were organized in Greece, Italy and Romania. The events were a great success according to the positive feedback gathered from the different questionnaires completed by participants after each ME.
Participants in the event that was held in Greece found the project informative and very useful for their careers. They expressed interest in testing the “My Smart School” e-platform, and they manifested enthusiasm for the “Teachers’ Diaries and Recommendations” as a practical career development tool. In the event organized in Italy, teachers expressed that the organization of the event, as well as the venue, the agenda and the duration were clear and well-balanced. Additionally, participants demonstrated remarkable interest in all three IOs (the My Smart School Teachers’ diaries, the My Smart School e-platform, and the My Smart School e-courses) of MYSS project. During the last event in Romania, participants mentioned that the speakers were understanding and that they could answer all their questions. Concerning the tools, teachers demonstrated great enthusiasm in the online courses, and the handbook related to the “Teachers’ Diaries and Recommendations” was also recognized as a very useful tool for their future careers.
Overall, based on the feedback gathered, it can be concluded that all three MYSS project’s Multiplier Events were a success in meeting participant’s expectations as well as in the satisfaction rate for the project itself. Almost every participant claimed that they acquired useful knowledge and that every tool would be useful in their future careers. Besides, every teacher had the willingness to recommend the MYSS program results to their colleagues.