MY Smart School’s “Teacher Diaries and Recommendation” handbook available in several languages!.


In all partners countries, school teachers involved in MYSS project described their own experience in the exploitation and evaluation of the project outcomes through a set of surveys and Self-Assessment Tools (SAT) on the use of MYSS e-courses and e-platform (IO1 and IO2). All these experiences were collected during summer 2022 and described in the Teachers’ Diaries, which included a set of concrete Recommendations, as follow up of what teachers have done at school through the use with their classes of MYSS digital outcomes. From all the teachers’ experiences, it was prepared an effective Handbook resuming “Diaries and Recommendations”, the main outcome of project IO3 (in charge to CENFORM): this document (for teachers and for all schools interested in MYSS project results) collected their experiences, best practices, recommendations and how to practice an effective distance learning. The main aim was to have at disposal an instrument to be circulated in schools as a kind of “manual of good practices” of distance teaching. In this way, the new handbook is an instrument that other professionals in education can use for free in every country.

This output gathers professors’ experiences, resuming how each grew their skills on digital and distance learning education. In addition, it resumes all the best practices validated by teachers during their own experience. At the same time, it contains also an exchange of visions, experiences and approaches, useful also to explain how tools should be used during virtual classes. In the handbook, the reader can find a series of interviews to all school partners’ headmasters, the Direct experience of teachers in Distance Learning (stories, strengths and weaknesses), the effective Diaries and MYSS teachers’ experience on the training modules and on the MYSS platform. After this, it is present the “Diaries and Recommendation” chapter, made up by the Teachers’ Personal contribution in the usage of resources and the Teachers’ testimonials.

This online Handbook, delivered in English but after translated also in Italian, Romanian, Greek, Spanish, French and German, can be downloadable for free on the MYSS project’s website.